Extracting only the values which are in White cells(not the onces in yellow) and adding it

Tricky: In this I just have to work with these 2 columns so starting with the column( Values Main), I have to add all the values but only which are in white and save it in a variable, second , taking the other column as Npv, I need to add all the values in white not in yellow and moreover in the column NPV, I need to add all the positive values together and all the negatives together. Need help…so tricky but a gud use case for all…

Hi @kartik_sareen
Use Excel application scope and use read range and use get cell color
based on color try to extract the color.name.ToString

so based on that you can retrieve the rows

Ashwin S

Could u please show with an example…that would be more helpful for everyone…Thank u Ashwin

Hi @kartik_sareen

Check this

Ashwin S