Extracting info from Subject line in Gmail

I am trying extract info from the subject line in Gmail inbox. The info I need to extract will always be in parentheses and there might be multiple numbers separated by commas. So for ex: if the subject is (123456), (175967), (123123) it would extract 123456, 175967 and 123123


You can use a regex β€œMatches” activity with the pattern (\d+)

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It would be sufficient to just do like:
ArrayNumbers = β€œ(123456), (175967), (123123)”.Replace(β€œ(”,β€œβ€).Replace(β€œ)”,β€œβ€).Replace(" β€œ,β€β€œ).Split(”,"c)

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So in that case
Is str_input = β€œ(123456), (175967), (123123)”

Then the expression be like this
str_output = str_input.ToString.Replace(β€œ(β€œ,””).Replace(β€œ)”,””).ToString

**If the subject has few more words apart from those **numbers and brackets and if we want to get those numbers alone then use MATCHES activity and mention the input as str_input and expression as β€œ\W\d+\W”
And get the output with a variable of type match collection

β€”now use a FOR EACH activity and pass the above obtained variable as input and change the type argument as system.text.regularexpressions.regex.match and inside the loop use a assign activity like this
str_output = str_output + item.ToString + β€œ,”
Next to this for each loop use a assign activity like this
str_output = str_output.TrimEnd(β€œ,”)

Cheers @Peter.k

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Thank you all for your help, I will try these and see if I can get it to work. Much appreciated!!


Cheers @Peter.k

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Quick follow up. I was able to extract them correctly but now I want to split them. So for example, I’ve extracted 123456, 167890, 190567 and I want it to first take 123456 and enter it in our software, then take 167890 and do the same etc. What’s the best way to do that?

the solution i gave you does that…

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sorry you’re right, will try that now. Thanks again!

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