Hi Team
I want to extract my text file to excel
Text I have :20:820200266987
:86:TBI?20LMS Balance Reverse Sweep?21LM Xfer.820200110044 To 820200266987
:86:TBI?20LMS Balance Sweep?21LM Xfer.820200266987 To 820200110044
I want to write all of these in excel As u can see before semi column no is tag repsresent by any type
Tag 20 – Transaction Reference Number
Tag 25 – Account Identification
Tag 28C – Statement Number/Sequence Number
Tag 61 – Statement Line
Tag 86 – Information to Account Owner
Tag 64 – Closing Available Balance (Available Funds)
All The tag datais known as this type i want my output comes under in this excel column Typenew.xlsx (8.7 KB)
Check Excel Output
BuildDataTable with all the columns that you need.
You can break this string text into arrays using
Loop through String Array
put multiple if conditions,
if item.contains(“:20:”)
dtRecords(0)(“Transaction Reference Number”)=item.replace(“:20:”,“”).Trim
if item.contains(“:25:”)
dtRecords(0)(“Account Identification”)=item.replace(“:25:”,“”).Trim
if item.contains(“:28C:”)
dtRecords(0)(“Statement Number/Sequence Number”)=item.replace(“:28C:”,“”).Trim
if item.contains(“:61:”) and String.isNullorEmpty
dtRecords(0)(“Statement Line”)=item.replace(“:61:”,“”).Trim
if item.contains(“:86:”) and String.isNullorEmpty
dtRecords(0)(“Information to Account Owner”)=item.replace(“:86:”,“”).Trim
if item.contains(“:64:”)
dtRecords(0)(“Closing Available Balance (Available Funds)”)=item.replace(“:64:”,“”).Trim
for 61 and 86 you can use some kind of counter value and increment method to append data.
You mean two rows, right,
because I’m expecting that there could be even more rows with row61 and row 86.
hence it would be a good idea to add it using a delimiter, i had used Environment.Newline, you can replace it with “;” or “break” or some unique keyword or symbol which won’t be appearing in the text for those 2 columns.
Instead of Regex, may be you can use a split operation while working with data