I want to extract the Job Title and URL of the Job from the Indeed Website. Initially, I successfully executed the code in July Month but now when I opened my code, Extract Structure Data Activity is not able to extract the Table from the website. I tried a lot but not getting the result, I don’t know why?
Here is my file:
<column exact='1' name='Job Title' attr='text' name2='URL' attr2='href'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='jobsearch-SerpJobCard unifiedRow row result clickcard'/>
<webctrl tag='h2' class='title' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='a' class='jobtitle turnstileLink ' idx='1'/>
<webctrl css-selector='body>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td>nav>div>ul>li>a>span' idx='5' parentid='resultsCol' tag='SPAN' />
Also, when I open the NextLinkSelector, it does not open Selector Editor, instead, it opens Expression Editor, I don’t know why??
I would love to get some suggestions to get the table from the link.
Thanks in advance!!