Extract String within a String of Regex Output

Hi all, with reference the regex output example below, how do I extract “#01-01” and “11 Testing Road” separately without relying on “COUNTRY” or “#” in the code?


@anonymous3 - Is the “Person Address” will always present in the text??

Hi @prasath17 ,

Yes it is.

Hi @anonymous3 … Please try the below pattern…

Regex Pattern Link

11 Testing Road = Regexvar(0).groups(1).tostring
#01-01 = Regexvar(0).groups(2).tostring

Hope this helps…

Hi, @prasath17

Thanks! I will try it out. Also I have another question. From the example below, how would I be able to extract “11 Testing Road” without relying on “#” and “COUNTRY” again?


@anonymous3 - Here you go…

Regex Pattern Link

#01-01 = Regexvar(0).groups(1).tostring.trim
11 Testing Road = Regexvar(0).groups(2).tostring.trim

Hi, @prasath17

I got an error saying ‘groups’ is not a member of ‘Char’.

Hi @anonymous3 - Not sure which method you have tried…

you can try in Matches activity, where the output will be in Ienumerable…

Here in the write Line I wrote IEnRegEx(0).groups(1).tostring.trim + vbcr + IEnRegEx(0).groups(2).tostring.trim, you can assign it to two different variable as per your needs…

Hope this helps…

@anonymous3 - Here is the sample xaml Regex_non.xaml (6.1 KB)

Hi @anonymous3 - Did you get a chance to try the shared xaml?

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