Extract pictures on excel to dicrectory

Hi bro @balupad14

I have used extract graph activity. But it has something wrong when run as below picture.

Could you pls explain and suggest me to fix this ?

Thanks you so much!

Make sure “Book1.xlsx” is in your project folder. If it isn’t, you’ll need a full path to locate the Excel file.

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:)… the excel file path is correct bro!

When you run the code, where does the error occur? Is it at the Excel Application Scope level or when it reaches the Extract Graph Image activity?

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Thanks you all.

I have used VBA to fix this issue.

Hi ,
Sorry for the late reply.

You have to use the scope from BalaReva Easy Excel which I have marked it in the below.



Thanks you Bro.

But could not set name for each pictures when it exported…

I have used vba to resolve this.

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