Extract invoice data from pdf to excel

I was trying to extract specific text from pdf to excel. could someone help me how to do that?
I have a pdf file with invoice num, invoice date etc… I want to extract these things from the pdf document and put it into excel. AR Invoice 22376.pdf (57.3 KB)


Use Anchor base or Screen scraping and extract the specific Text

Suresh J

Thank You…

Given url redirects to UiPath Academy could you please check & provide correct url/solution


That was a Uipath PDF Automation Video link,
Please find the Sample XAML for Reference.
PDF Examples.xaml (25.6 KB)

Suresh J

What all attributes needs to be extracted? like invoice number ,invoice date?

First try to convert pdf to txt and then use regex to extract this. Below is the file for this exercise
extract.zip (56.3 KB)