Extract folder Based on partial name

I have a scenario in which I need to Look for the multiple Folder .Inside a main folder based on ID available with me.

As you can see in the below Screenshot .Listed are multiple folder and I have Values like {“345708”,“340138”,“338115”,“353220”} using these values I need to find Folder and Zip that Folder and move it to other location.
Can any one suggest me the steps to perform this .


use for each for the value which are present in the array

inside the array use assign activity and pass the below expression

System.io.Directory.GetFiles(“Main Folder Path”,CurrentItem+“*”).first

below that use what ever you want to do

Hi @shashank_dullu

You can use For Each Folder in A Folder For iterating through the folders.
Inside that use if condition to check the Folder name contains your string if it matches then you Zip That file using Compress/Zip Files

Hope this Helps :slight_smile:

Hi @shashank_dullu

Get Folder Names:
Assign activity: folderNames = Directory.GetDirectories(“Path\to\main\folder”)

Filter Folders Based on IDs:
For Each activity (TypeArgument: String, Values: folderNames)
If YourListOfIDs.Contains(Path.GetFileName(folderName))
// Process the folder

Zip Folders:
Invoke Method activity:
TargetObject: System.IO.Compression.ZipFile
MethodName: CreateFromDirectory
in_directoryPath: folderPath
in_destinationArchiveFileName: “Path\to\output\folder\output.zip”

Move Zipped Files:
Move File activity:
Source: “Path\to\output\folder\output.zip”
Destination: “Path\to\destination\folder\output.zip”

Hi @shashank_dullu ,
you can use ‘GetDirectories’ to get all the subfolders inside it as an array.
then foreach folder in array folder
can find folder name ‘contains’ then zip it

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