Extract data between two timestamp

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@pradyumn.agrawal Check this modified Workflow :

I have used Write Line to write the Matching Output. Check if that is the expected output.

RegexFind.xaml (12.1 KB)

I have used contains inside the for Loop to check if the Matched TimeStamp is similar to your Input timeStamp. After Finding the Matched, It will extract the Data between that Input Timestamp and the Next TimeStamp. Then It will break the For Loop Since the data that you expect is already extracted.

It is not extracting the data till next timestamp
if you will check the log file the timestamp which i have given β€œ2020-06-08T16:48:49.395” starts at line 116 and ends at 269

@pradyumn.agrawal Actually this TimeStamp is at line 10 and the Time Stamp 2020-06-08T16:48:49.399 is at Line 116.

So it Extracted the Data between those Two TimeStamps. What was the Output you needed?

Thanks It is working fine, i got confused by the timestamp

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@pradyumn.agrawal Check it for all possible timestamps, it should handle error cases as well. Let me know if it doesn’t work. Currently the Input timestamp is different as I was checking for error cases. Also Identify if the Correct data is being extracted.
RegexFind.xaml (17.1 KB)

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