Extract a specific text


I have 3 rows with description as follows;

row 1: /ENTRY 01 Jan TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES 12E248768/ HUYEHJB/238 84975
row 2:/ENTRY 05 Jan Tech Mahindra 1234 6756 32434
row3:/ENTRY 02 Feb IBM E287485460.

I want to extract the company names TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES,Tech Mahindra,IBM. How do i get it. The company name has a date in the beginning and has numbers at the end

Hi @AditiGandhi

Use this component to check in between


Ashwin S

@AditiGandhi Is the Company Name always at that position say, like its’s the 4th position always in the text which you provided, if so, you can Split and take 4th position value

Hi @AditiGandhi

You can use substring if value exsts in same position

Ashwin S

yes its always at 4th position

@AshwinS2 the length of name of the company differs.

i used this expression and i’m getting the output as you asked image

let me know if this is working out for you or not!

cheers @AditiGandhi

what is the complete expression???

this is the complete expression and i’ve used your sample string

can i know which activity have you used?I am using ‘matches’ activity and it is giving null result

i’ve used Matches activity!

@AditiGandhi i’m attaching you my workflow here cheers
Main.xaml (6.2 KB)

I am unable to view that particular activity. Can you please send n image of it?

this is the activity! @AditiGandhi cheers

Yes, it worked. Thank you


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