Hello, when writing the dataset.tables(2) or dataset.tables(3) to excel, instead of writing row by row, the results are dumped into one cell, attached is the DU using form AI the extractor is set up fine. please help.
sorry but I was using that already, still need a solution…
In which activity you are using this Dataset.Tables(2)
Export extraction results in which the output variable is set to “DataSet”, then I just use “write range” to write the table to a sheet, the extractor works but instead of write to multiple rows, it concats everything in one row, the strange thing is that another extractor with a table works fine and data is written to multiple rows
Try to run in debug mode add breakpoints and check in locals panel how the data is comming
Based on that we can decide and correct where needed
Thanks, I put an output datatable, then had a message box showing what the table has, it shows exactly the same thing as in the excel screenshot. What could be the possible reasons?
Looks like while extraction only you need to extract them separatey…if it is happening for specific doc then check or train that doc again
Thank you, I tried to train again and got the same results. Ended up adding string manipulation code to parse them.
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