Exctracting information from Excel DataTable

Yes @CamiCat.
In your workflow. There is no activity except the sendkeys. Can you send me file with other activities. I will prepare a sample for you and send you.


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Hi @CamiCat,
Here i have attached the sample for you.

Open the Notepad and run the application.

File : InserimentoBancaeAgenzia.zip (2.5 KB)

The typeinto Activity is having the full selector.


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A2A.zip (166.6 KB)

You can launch it from the Main.
Thank you,

Hi @CamiCat,
Thank you to share the source. It is very nice. The structure is well organized. When I execute it. It asks the excel file to process. It is good. Which xml that i have to analyze it.


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Thank you @balupad14.
The problem is in Predisposizione prametri funzione incasso.Xaml.
Can you please have a look?
Thank you so much,

Hi @CamiCat,

You are right . I saw some blog having the problem.

I have two suggestions.

  1. Can you try the flush method before and after . I feel the differences in the sample application .

  1. Split the date like day,month,Year . Use the three SendWait . it is a try.


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Thank you so much @balupad14.
I’ll try and let you know as soon as possible.
Thank you.

Ok @CamiCat

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Hello @balupad14.
I tried the inserting the flush method before and after the Inserimento banca activity.
It gives me this error.

Which Argument should I insert as Input?
Thank you so much,
Camilla :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi @CamiCat,
There is no argument.Below I have attached the sample for the SendKeys of Flush by Invoke method Activity.

File :
InvokeFlush.zip (1.2 KB)


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Thank you so much @balupad14.
It’s so gentle from you :slight_smile:

Hi @CamiCat,
Thank you . Not only to get more knowledge by you and also make me smile sometimes :smile: :smile:

Thank you

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