We have a process that started to show this error when it run on Orchestrator:
The error occours in a Get Exchange Mail Messages activity, that run for about 10 minutes before trigger the error. When I run the process in debug mode, the following message is shown:
All the properties of the activity are ok, because when I limit the number of mails read to 20, for example, the error don’t occours. I believe that we have a mail message that trigger this error on activity.
I update the package UiPath.Mail.Activities from version 1.3.0 to 1.6.0 but the problem persists.
Welcome to uipath community
Kindly ensure that all the IN arguments passed to the property panel of GET EXCHANGE MAIL activity has value in it
Because if those arguments or even variable doesn’t have value in it this error will occur
So to validate that use a WRITE LINE activity and mention all the variable like this Variable1+” “+variable2+” “+…
So output panel will show the output and from there we can validate what value is lot there based on which we can provide the input
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
We experience all so here using the community editon ! The lastime our componet was perfectly fine but when we update our community our components doesnt work any more. but in our enterprise edition its working. Still we try to figure out how to fix it… My apologies @FCN cant help for now…