Hi Team
I am developing an enrolment piece that creates accounts for customers in a portal we use.
I am trying to handle an error the portal gives me when a customer of that name already exists.
My solution is currently to use a CV Scope - CV Element Exists to look for the Popup that appears if the customer exists.
The CV Element Exists changes a variable “DuplicateCustomer” to “True”
I then have an IF activity with condition set to " IF DuplicateCustomer=True then assign a"2" to the end of the customers name and continue enrolling them.
The issue i have is the timeout. The process will continue looking for the popup for far too long, rendering the process impractical as it is for bulk enrolment.
I have tried opening the “Target” section of the properties tab and setting the timeout to “1000” milliseconds. however this produces no result.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.