I’m trying to extract data from a software under Citrix environment to an Excel file.
For that I’m using the clipboard to exchange data from Citrix to local machine (ctrl+c on the citrix application and Get From Clipboard activity to retrieve the data).
The data are well copied in the clipboard.
And if I do the “ctrl+v” manually in an Excel file I have the expected data
But when I use the Excel Write Cell activity it dump the name of the worksheet but not the data…
I tried with the Write Cell activity :
And the Write Cell Activity from the Excel Extension package :
Both activity gave the same result :
The expected extracted data should be something like that :
The data are well copied, I dumped the variable content into the Output (using Write Line activity) and the output is correct. So the problem is limited to the Excel Write Cell.
Data extracted are tab separated. Is the Write Cell activity support that ?
Any idea about this kind of problem ?
Using another package could solve this problem ?
Thanks !