Excel table selection

Hi @pari_patel,

I think you have a duplicate post on the same topic (Excel tables)
It is not a good practice to duplicate posts in any forum.

Nonetheless, you can achieve this within an Excel Application Scope without any libraries. (Annotations in the workflow):

Before edits to Column 3 in Table 1:

After edits to Column 3 in Table 1:

Here is the sample workflow and excel file I used: ExcelTablesManipulation.xaml (18.4 KB)
ExcelTable.xlsx (10.4 KB)

You can offcourse build on it to make it quite generic so that you can specify a sheet and a table. A pseudo code would be:

Sheets = Workbook.GetSheets  --> Generates a worksheet type output then

For each Sheet in Sheets
      Sheet.ListObjects  --> Gets Tables objects in a given sheet
      For each Table in Sheet.ListObjects
              Table.Name / Table.Item.Name (little unsure) ---> Get the name of the table
              Use Get Table Range Activity with the sheet name and table name --> gets the range of the table
              Read Range for the Table range
              Modify it as required as UiPath Datatable
              Write range back to the table
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