Excel Reading from 2 sheets

Hi everyone,
I have to do a task in which
1-A excel workbook has 2 sheets both of them have a column name in common
eq- Sheet1
column A ColumnB columnC
a b c
d e f
column A ColumnB columnC
… … c
… … h
For column name “columnC” i want to filter column value c and stored the entire row value of that column value"c" in another excel for both the sheets.
How to do that
Please mention the steps to do so
Thanks and Regards,

  1. Read Sheet1 → DT1
  2. Read Sheet2 → DT2
  3. DT3 - Filtered data from DT1, DT1.Select(“ColumnC=‘c’”).CopyToDataTable
  4. DT4 - Filtered data from DT2, DT2.Select(“ColumnC=‘c’”).CopyToDataTable
  5. Write Range, DT3 to Sheet3
  6. Append Range, DT4 to Sheet3

Karthik Byggari

Thankyou so much it helped me…:slight_smile:

Is there any activity in excel to zip and unzip the folder.
How to do that

Thanks and Regards,

No, we do not have in Excel.
You have to use Invoke Method to create a zip from files.

Refer these threads -

Karthik Byggari