Excel reading error


I’m trying to my got to the open browser but it’s going in else condition a

Requirement is read excel file and there some pdf n zip file and have to select only pdf which I want n download that pdf files


Thats because your condition is false always…please print the data that you are comparing before if condition and check if they are same or different and change condition accordingly


@Anil_G so which condition i have to use

@suraj_gaikwad where is if condition? I am not able to see any if in your code.


Please check if condition

@suraj_gaikwad , can you please share Excel file or image of excel contents

@suraj_gaikwad can you share pdf data and excel data

Excel data n i have to select only pdf file specific


@suraj_gaikwad what is the data in select pdf variable? can you show us


What you want to compre…please use log message and check if they are coming as expected or not or if they are different accordingly the if condition needs to be given


@suraj_gaikwad ,Try to print the the values in “Item” and "row(“subject”), and check

Uploading: IMG20230602141557.jpg…]()

please upload again its not uploaded properly

@raja.arslankhan what i have to upload

Now pdf is downloading but executing else condition also y i didn’t understand


@suraj_gaikwad according to your condition when subject column contains slect_pdf then it should be go in Then part. Can you try after putting


@raja.arslankhan not working