Does anyone know how to keep an excel file open after opening it?
I’ve tried the following methods with no success
Start Process - Used this activity and it locates the file but fails to interact with the password dialogue box as the file is password protected and the activity is faulted with the message “Application could not be opened”
Q: How do you get the Start process to interact with the password dialogue box
Excel Application Scope - This found and opened the file but closed it straightaway -
Q: How do I keep the file open as I need to interact with two excel files to create a pivot?
You can open the password protected Excel first using excel application scope and open another excel within that excel application scope. Do all the required processes inside the excel application scope.
Excel application scope will automatically close the excel
Open Application (Excel.exe)
Then used click activity to Open File
Type Into activity for the file location
Type into for the password
and another click to open the document.
Start process would have been ideal if only it recognises the password dialogue box