hi my friends. I need help with a loop I have two variables kod1 and kod2 now I want to create a loop and if and I want to look at all columns if the two variables are in one column in excel then write the end column risk
Hello @a.hezardastan, try using VB:
Sub SearchAndWriteRisk()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lastColumn As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim foundKod1 As Boolean
Dim foundKod2 As Boolean
' Set the worksheet where you want to perform the search
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("YourSheetName")
' Define the values to search for
Dim kod1 As String
Dim kod2 As String
kod1 = "YourKod1Value"
kod2 = "YourKod2Value"
' Determine the last column in the worksheet
lastColumn = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
' Initialize flags
foundKod1 = False
foundKod2 = False
' Loop through each column
For i = 1 To lastColumn
' Check if kod1 exists in the current column
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Columns(i), kod1) > 0 Then
foundKod1 = True
End If
' Check if kod2 exists in the current column
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Columns(i), kod2) > 0 Then
foundKod2 = True
End If
' If both kod1 and kod2 are found in the current column, write "risk" in the end column
If foundKod1 And foundKod2 Then
ws.Cells(1, lastColumn + 1).Value = "risk"
Exit For ' Exit the loop if both are found
End If
Next i
' Clean up
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub
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