Excel issue on values

On StudioX, seeing this issue.
I extract data from RPA Market (rpachallenge.com)
Extract this table image

Used Write Range to write the table in Excel.
I’m trying to find max on the Futures column using Write Cell like this.

It shows error.

When you write a formula into a cell , you need to use the same text as in Excel: MAX(C:C)


@flavius my excel has other sheets. I need select one sheet. so specify sheet name

@Prinal_C - you have to specify the sheet name in the ‘where to write’… that is where you to point out where to put your output…

@prasath17 about ‘What to Write’ only. I take value from one sheet only. Ihavy 12 sheets.

@Prinal_C - I didn’t get you…

in the what to write …mention =Max(c:c) and where to write point out the sheet where you want to get the Max.

Is this what you are looking for right??

If not, provide your requirement and output you are looking for? if possible share the sample sheet too.

@prasath17 … I have 12 sheets. One ‘Overvew’ sheet. In the ‘Overview’ sheet, I want the max of column C from ‘Sheet1’. That’s why there’s ‘Sheet 1’ in the formula in ‘What to Write’. But ‘Sheet1’ in the formula is not working.

@Prinal_C - got it…Let me try something this afternoon and will share the results…

@Prinal_C - Please check this…

My Output

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