Excel File append issue

Hi Guys

I have a csv file and i have converted it to excel and then i appended it to excel. File is getting appended successfully but it is throwing this error : “Append range : The element has unexpected child element ‘Error’. in /c:chartSpace[1]/c:chart[1]/c:plotArea[1]/c:barChart[1]/c:ser[1]/c:dLbls[1]/c:extLst[1]/c:ext[1]”


I can see this issue after converting csv file to excel file. Itseems even after converting csv file in to excel. It contains below format so while appending above error is thrown



This is not a issue I guess @Kamesh

The value you have in the cell is written as text but not as number as the cell format is defined as text. Do you think any value is missing or can you explain what is the issue you have in that?

File is getting appended successfully but it is throwing this error : “Append range : The element has unexpected child element ‘Error. in /c:chartSpace[1]/c:chart[1]/c:plotArea[1]/c:barChart[1]/c:ser[1]/c:dLbls[1]/c:extLst[1]/c:ext[1]”

Test.zip (28.6 KB)

@HareeshMR can you please check out

I guess the issue is not with the data or excel you have @Kamesh. But I’m not sure

Thanks Hareesh