Excel: Execution is very slow

We have developed keyword driven framework where keywords will be written in the excel and based on it, the execution will jump to other excel sheets and run business flow.

But we have noticed that the overall execution is bit slow. How can we improve it. For every screen, it will read different sheet and perform action.



We have filtered data based on test case name as below:

We have noticed that it takes time while reading excel data and entering into Data table only. Any help.

HI @pushkar.singh

Use the Excel Application scope and read range of excel activities like

If you dont find those activities click on the Filter opetion in the activities panel and click on show classic and search for it



Can you try to use ExcelReadRange (Classic ReadRange) instead of ReadRangeX (Modern ReadRange)?


It might be necessary to turn on ShowClasic at Filter of Activities panel.


I tried it and got same results but when I tried without scope, it was quick


It is not recommended… right?

Read range which you used is workbook activities

You dont need the scope for that @pushkar.singh


Ok. Is it fine to use like this without closing/scope?


ReadRange activity in the above image is under System-File-Workbook and it reads worksheet without MS-Excel. (Using 3rd part library such as ClosedXML, NPOI etc)
Sometimes, this activity returns different results than when using ExcelReadRange or ReadRangeX (because it doesn’t use MS-Excel) If it returns what you expect and it’s unnecessary to use many activities for worksheet, it’s no problem, I think.


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Yes its fine @pushkar.singh

If in case in future any error occurs specifically in the activity you used

replace them with the below


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Since we have many excel, we have to test it for our automation suite. If any other solution is there, I am happy to implement it.

i tried it but again starting taking longer time. Without scope, it is fast… i don’t know why.

If this is enabled try disabling it and try again if it takes more time you can use the one without the scope @pushkar.singh


Tested but taking time around 20 seconds. But without scope, it is quick within 2 seconds. Strange.

Then You can use the Excel activity without scope for now if in case of any error , you have only Excel activities and Excel X activities to replace @pushkar.singh

No problem you can use the activity without scope

Excel Activities - Need MS excel in the machine.
Workbook Activities (The one without scope) - doesn’t require excel in the machine

May be thats the reason for reading timing


Okay… We will give it a try and share my experience after few couple of days.