Excel dynamic path

Hi all i have to download a excel from mail and i have to check the data from parent file so i got stuck how to take each and every file from a folder and perform filter wizard and write it on other sheet and again i have to check the file and i have to perform same operation
how rocheck duplicay from parent file to download file dynamically.
pls help me with the workflow

@akritiverma316 We Would need more details as to how the filter operation works, What is the Parent File and if it is an Excel File we would want to know How the comparison should happen. Please Elaborate with Screenshots or Step Wise Operation of what you are doing manually, it would be much faster to help and solve it in that way.

i have parent file which have name,amount,account. Now bot is mailing a excel file with same header. I used get outlook->confition then download attachment in a particular folder now main part since it is downloaded in particular folder and i have to iterarte each file from that folder and compare it to parent file which i have already.
now how to take path dynamically for downloaded folder and check duplicacy based on account number

i have done with filter wizard and but need workflow for checking duplicay and taking path dybnamically and saving it on other folder

@akritiverma316 If you are using Save Attachment Activity to downlaod the Excel File, then you can give the Input Property Folder Path as the Folder Path where you want it to get downloaded and then you can use the Same Folder Path for Reading the Excel File that are Dowloaded.