Excel, Database, Row Delete

Hello All,

I have a following input,

From Date = “12/22/2023” , RowCount=6
ToDate = "12/28/2023’, RowCount=1

The below mentioned screenshot is my dt.

I would need a output like follow,


Means I need to get the table from 12/22/2023 6 to 12/28/2023 1 in the table

Is there any possibilities.

Thanks in Advance


Use filter datatable activity for this.
And sort datatable by date column

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey @manikandan.murugan

Please confirm that output table will have 4 rows? cause you have added 12/23/2023 twice!

Ajay Mishra

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you can check the skipWhile combined with a takeWhile approach

Yes output will have 4 rows @Ajay_Mishra

@manikandan.murugan You need a static output for this particular input or your input can change accordingly?

Input will change the input I provided as a sample

kindly note, as we gave the first option:

Another strategy could be to retrieve the row index from the first row and last row and using skip / take

@manikandan.murugan Okay so, the explanation given by you will generate a static output and I can provide you static solution but, can you elaborate more about input datatable and dynamic condition that will be applicable in all scenarios?

Ajay Mishra

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