Excel data Problem

I have to find out certain data by putting some condition on excel. Exactly list of countries whose growth is greater than 2%. Expression is giving me type conversion error. Please help me with this.


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Can you please share screenshot of the sample data and also show us the expression you are using here.


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Please share the expression you are trying to do, It’s better if you give more information regarding to your issue


I need help in getting expression for top 10 countries whose growth is greater than 2%

assign this to list of string to get top 10 countries where growth% > 2( i assume your country column is called Country otherwise you can change it to something else in the below code)

dt.AsEnumerable.where(function(x) not x("Growth%").ToString.Equals("-") and not x("Growth%").ToString.Equals("")).CopyToDataTable.AsEnumerable.where(function(y) Double.Parse(y("Growth%").ToString) > 2).CopyToDataTable.AsEnumerable.OrderByDescending(function(z) Convert.ToDouble(z("Growth%"))).CopyToDataTable.AsEnumerable.Take(10).AsEnumerable.Select(function(a) a("Country").toString).tolist

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