Hello Team,
I have given excel where Excel Cells are made to accept currency . Cell E2 will be sum of I2:T2.
I am trying to write value into Excel using Write Cell.
But the issue is: after updating cells using UiPath Write Cell, it shows with “number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe” and the Cell E2 will not consider that cell for SUM.
Once i double click on the cell and come out, it works fine.
I would like to directly update the cell without any such error.
Workaround i tried:
Sending value as Generic value
sending value as decimal
Sending value after formatting the value to currency.
Nothing above worked out for me. Someone kindly help!
Test.xlsx (85.1 KB)
excelwrite.xaml (3.8 KB)
@Palaniyappan, @HareeshMR, @aksh1yadav, @vishal.kp, @loginerror