Excel Copy Sheet activity is not working when i move the project to a different system

Hi Support,

I have two systems where UI path is installed both having same version and licensed. I have implement an excel copy sheet activity, When I run in developer environment it is copying the sheet from Source excel and paste to other excel file. and when I move to production the activity is not working.

also one thing I have noticed is in developer environment it is copying the data in source excel and destination excel file as well in the sheet name I have provided.

in Developer it is copying in source excel but not copying in destination excel.

Note: I don’t want to copy in source excel again I want to copy the sheet to destination excel only.

Could some one help me to sort out the issue

hi @thoufyashraf

please check this post might help you,


Hi @thoufyashraf,

Take a look at this…

Thank you

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