If excel column has some text data that needs to replaced with blank using linq query. Please check the below attached screenshot.
In the above screenshot the highlighted part has to be replaced with empty spaces.
How to do this using linq.
Please help me on this.
Why do you specifically need LINQ?
Also, what is the criteria for replacing those cells?
IF linq is not required you can simply use for each row in datatable and then ,if your cell contains"Complete" or “parts sales”. then assign it blank.
Try this
put the string in Varstring then
For Each row As Datarow In dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function (r) (r(“Column1”).tostring.equals(“varstring”)).replace(“varstring”,“”)).copytodatatable
if you face any issue let me know
happy automation.
For Each row As Datarow In dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function (r) (r(“Column1”).tostring.equals(“varstring”)).replace(“varstring”,“”)).copytodatatable
Assign dt_Out = (From row In dt_Out
Let a = If((row("Column1").ToString.Contains("Complete") Or (row("Column1").ToString.Contains("Part")),"",row("Column1"))
Select dt_Out.Clone.Rows.Add({row("Column0"),a})).CopyToDatatable
dt_Out is the datatable you use to read the excel. Let me know if it works
Are you sure you want to replace the value as Blank or maybe you want to filter out those rows with “Complete” or “Parts Sales” values? If that’s the case, you can use Filter Data Table activity.
But I have a solution on your original problem. Check this process workflow: Replace Blank Value.zip (2.0 KB)
Assign dtOutput =
From sales In dtSales
Let ColumnA = sales("A").ToString
Let ColumnB = If(sales("B").ToString.ToUpper.Contains("COMPLETE") Or sales("B").ToString.ToUpper.Contains("PARTS SALES"), String.Empty, sales("B").ToString)
Select dtOutput.Rows.Add(ColumnA, ColumnB)