Excel Automation of getting values from it

I have excel file with 2 columns with Name and abbreviation.

i will get input from outside as variable InputValue

Name --district

like if the excel row matches with with input Value from excel in district column have to take the corresponse row value from the excel sheet from column2

Hi @T_Y_Raju

=> Store the Input Name from Outside in a Variable called StrVar.
=> Take Use excel file activity and give the path of the excel file.
=> Inside Use excel file insert the For each excel row activity to iterate the rows in the Excel.
=> Inside for each insert the If condition and give the below condition.


=> Inside If condition insert an assign activity to store the Abbrevation in a variable called AbrStr

- Assign -> AbrStr = CurrentRow("Abbrevarion").toString

Check the image for better understanding:

Hope it helps!!

You can use a lookup activity where you can specify the range to search, where to extract the source of results and what value to lookup


Hi @T_Y_Raju ,
You can read file to get data table
For loop get data in each row
Compare row value with Input
Assign then write back file
You can share your input and expectation output

I have excel file with 2 columns with Name and abbreviation.

i will get input from outside as variable InputValue

Name --district

like if the excel row matches with with input Value from excel in district column have to take the corresponse row value from the excel sheet from column2

below is the excel file sample
Col1 col2
|ABC District Court|JDC|
|County Court Law No. #|CCL No. #|
|UK District Court|USDC|
|Germany Bankruptcy Court|GSBC|

