Excel anchor base column name cannot be found

i have used anchorbase activity to fill the webform where it need to take data from excel
1.used read range
2.open browser
3.anchor base
where in this anchor base activity there is an error showing i cannot find the column

any solution for it?thanks in advance

Hi @priyankavivek,

Can you show us your workflow?

Thanks and regards

Buddy @priyankavivek

I think there is no column of index 1 buddy in your datatable…may i know how many columns are there in your table, and the column index always start with 0

Or in row(1), is row the correct variable of datarow if obtained from for each row loop…kindly check that too buddy…if not use like datatablevariable.Rows(“columnname”).ToString


it takes the data from the row(0) and it fills the first name when it comesto next row(1) it showing cannot find column name

Is row(0) is getting entered corrctly before row(1) buddy

i havent put them in loop sir thats y i got error!thank you

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Oh that’s why. Okay :slight_smile:

it because of label issues in type into thank you buddy for your reply!

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Amazing buddy…
Keep going buddy

Kindly close this topic with right comment marked solution , buddy @priyankavivek
