Excel Activities Merge- Data Table

Hello team

I have some files of xlsx, i am making merge of them, creating a new file. That activity works. But, when I tried include new columns for the activity merge, i have error “Assign: La columna ‘first_name’ no pertenece a la tabla subyacente ‘DataTable’.”

Right now I use in assign dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(False,{“first_name”,“created_time”,“ad_id”,“ad_name”,“adset_id”,“adset_name”,“nivel_academico”,“phone_number”})

The columns i need are :
created_time nombre de vacante first_name last_name email phone_number city Fuente nivel_academico estado link final

I upload the UiPath file and demo of the excel file
Sample Excel.xls.xlsx (10.4 KB)
Main.xaml (20.1 KB)
Unir Archivos.zip (30.3 KB)

Hi @Julian_Yamid_Torres_Torr1 ,

Assuming that the Merge Datatable activity is being used, Could you check what is the Missing Schema Action property value set ? Is it Set to Add or Ignore ? If Ignore, do change it to Add and check.

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