Excel Activities For Processing and filtering v1.1

Hi everyone, i’d like to share my updated custom activity.
Feel free to use it and ask any questions

For all functions see: Excel Activities for Processing and Filtering

new function in 1.1:

  1. Batch Copy Row From One excel to another
    a. In_rowNumbersToCopy (string) - the row numbers to copy separated by comma)
    a. .e.g. “1,3,5,7,9”
    b. In_sourcePath (string) – source excel path to copy from
    c. In_sourceSheetName (string) – source sheet name to copy from
    d. In_destPath (string) – destination excel path to copy to (can be the same as source path)
    e. In_destSheetName (string) – destination sheet name to copy to
    f. in_deleteSourceRowsAfterCopy (Boolean) – If True, it will delete the copied rows from source sheet

Copy rows 2,4,6,7, from D:\test\a.xlsx to D:\test\a.xlsx (same file) from Sheet1 to Sheet2 then delete the rows from sheet1

Before run


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