Excel Activities Extensions (Sorting Multiple Columns, Renaming Sheet, Merge Cell, Excel Conversion)

If anyone is looking for some basic Excel Activities listed below, please get the NuGet package from the following link

This component provides an extension of various Excel activities like

  1. Conversion from Xls to Xls
  2. Renaming Sheet
  3. Sort Sheet with Multiple Columns
  4. Get Column Name by Column Index
  5. Set Sheet Columns Autofit
  6. Set Sheet Columns All Border (Thin, Continuous Line)
  7. Merge Cell
  8. Set Bold Text

If you need some other new activities or need some help with the listed one, please feel free to reach me and I will try my best to help.


Hi @atul.trikha,

Thanks for your effort for community.
May i know how the Robot interact with Excel?

  1. Are you using Invoke VBA?
  2. Shortcut/Hotkey?
  3. Click


All the activities are written in C# using Office interop objects (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel)

I hope it answers your question.

Atul T


Cool, thanks brother.