Error with activities and FTP while running a project on another computer with only Robot installed


I get the following errors and warnings while running a spesific project with Robot software on another computer. The issue does not appear while I run the program on my own computer from Studio.

Warn {“message”:“System exception. Retry: 0. Cannot create unknown type ‘{}Delete’. at Source: Invoke MakeDatatables_KS workflow: UiPath.Core.Activities”

Error {“message”:“System exception. Max number of retries reached. Cannot create unknown type ‘{}Delete’. at Source: Invoke MakeDatatables_KS workflow: UiPath.Core.Activities”

I have created the project with Studio version 2018.2.3. and the Robot on which the project is currently run is also 2018.2.3.

I have also noticed from UiPath information on website that since 2018.2.2 version the FTP activities have been deprecated.

Is the warning somehow related to this deprecation or maybe an issue related to the activities packages located in C:\Users<>.nuget\packages differentiating on my computer and the computer on which the project is run on?

The computer which has the Robot software (aka. the computer on which the program should run) has currently still the package related to FTP.Activities: 1.0.6479.13206
And core.activities 18.2.6745.15248 and 18.2.6732.32230

On my computer I have the core.activites package 18.2.6732.32230 installed and not this ftp-package at all.

Also (if related) to this problem: Uipath Studio in my computer is showing that I have these updates available:


but while trying to update these it shows this error and these packages are not able to updated.
"Unable to resolve dependency UiPath.Vision(> 1.1.0)

Any ideas how to fix this issue?

Best regards,


This is the other package available in Studio but can not be updated due to the same problem that I mentioned already in the earlier post. I just could not post two pictures in the same post and thus added it here.