Error while downloading the activity Package

Hi Team,
I am trying to download ftp activity package using manage package option. But i am getting the below error.

Failed to download package ‘UiPath.FTP.Activities.1.0.7495.12930’ from ‘’.
An error occurred while sending the request.
Unable to connect to the remote server
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

Need your help to resolve this.

HI @Shashi123

The FTP package was made open source/public after its last official release UiPath.FTP.Activities 1.0.6479.13206

So all the updates after that needs to be downloaded from the “Go”( package gallery.

Also using that requires two dependencies to be installed shown below. If you are open to use a Go package then you can go for it just select the checkbox for “Go” as one of the source in the Manage Package.

Hope this solves your query.


I have already selected go option in manage package.

@Shashi123 okay, then you can check whether the URL mentioned below the source of package gallery are whitelisted in the target machine.

You can connect with the concerned team and get below URLs whitelisted, if not done already.