Error when trying to do a condition in if activity

I’m getting this error and I don’t know how to fix it?

You probably have CurrentRow(“columnname”) which is an object. You have to include conversion to an actual datatype ie CurrentRow(“columnname”).ToString but since you are comparing to what appears to be a dollar amount, you’ll want to do…


You use the .ToString to output the value, then convert it to a double (ie decimal number) by wrapping it in CDbl()

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I tried that but then this error came up:

I also tried this : CurrentSharePrice <= CDbl(CurrentRow(“Expected Price”).ToString)

Or is that not right?

I’m trying to write a condition that compares the current share price <= to the expected price in excel


Try this

Cdbl(CurrentSharePrice )<= CDbl(CurrentRow(“Expected Price”).ToString)


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Yay it worked! Thank you😊

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