Error: UiPath Executor has Stopped Working

Lately (last month or two) we are seeing a lot of errors mid-runtime on a lot of automations: “UiPath Executor has Stopped Working”.

Anyone else experiencing this, and any input as to what causes it and any fixes?


Hey there!
Can you share with Customer Support robot logs of when that happens, or even a diagnostic tool export just after the failure? Is it for the same process or random? Is it on the same machine or random? What version is the robot?

Robot 24.10.1, happens on two different machines that each are in their own Org.
I have created support ticket, awaiting response from it, but just wanted to check if anyone here had similar experiences lately and/or a suggestion for a quick fix :slight_smile:


My immediate and first thought was memory shortage. Currently running on 16GB (8GB recommended), but running some fairly heavy applications. We’ll see how it goes :slight_smile: