Error reading Excel range, Read Range: block[ 2 ] already removed

Trying to read an Excel-file using ReadRange (I don’t have Excel installed). Unfortunately it’s throwing an error, Read Range: block[ 2 ] already removed.
I’ve tried removing range, changing range, toggling header but always the same error. Any idéas?

Error output:
RemoteException wrapping System.IO.IOException: block[ 2 ] already removed
at NPOI.POIFS.Storage.BlockListImpl.Remove(Int32 index)
at NPOI.POIFS.Storage.BlockAllocationTableReader.FetchBlocks(Int32 startBlock,
Int32 headerPropertiesStartBlock,
BlockList blockList)
at NPOI.POIFS.Storage.BlockListImpl.FetchBlocks(Int32 startBlock,
Int32 headerPropertiesStartBlock)
at NPOI.POIFS.FileSystem.POIFSFileSystem.ProcessProperties(BlockList small_blocks,
BlockList big_blocks,
IEnumerator properties,
DirectoryNode dir,
Int32 headerPropertiesStartAt)
at NPOI.POIFS.FileSystem.POIFSFileSystem…ctor(Stream stream)
at NPOI.SS.UserModel.WorkbookFactory.Create(Stream inputStream)
at UiPath.Excel.WorkbookFileXls…ctor(String workbookPath,
Boolean createNew)
at UiPath.Excel.Activities.WorkbookActivity1.ConstructWorkbook(String path, String password, Boolean createNew) at UiPath.Excel.Activities.WorkbookActivity1.BeginExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context,
AsyncCallback callback,
Object state)
at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance,
ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager,
Location resultLocation)


Check if there is any image kind inside that, Try to remove and run the workflow

also check the packages are updated and using Excel workbook activities(ReadRange)

Hope this helps you



There is not but I found that some cells are merged. After deleting them the file can be read. That is not a solution since we’ll receive a new file, with the same structure several times a day.
When I sent the range to read it’s excluding the merged cells but it doesn’t work anyway.