Error opening sample StudioX projects - "Project is incompatible with StudioX profile"

I’ve tried to use the sample xamls in Tutorials.
Studio X showed the error “Project is incompatible with StudioX profile”.

Can you tell me how to use the samples?
I’m really excited with this new tool, though!

It seems there are some mismatch for dependenicies.

Can you try to modify your project.json as the following?

"dependencies": {
        "UiPath.Excel.Activities": "[2.7.1-beta.557523]",
        "UiPath.Mail.Activities": "[1.7.1-beta.557462]",
        "UiPath.System.Activities": "[19.10.0-beta.558599]",
        "UiPath.UIAutomationX.Activities": "[1.0.0-beta.566555]"



Hello Toshirpa,

I’m glad that you are showing interest in our examples , but I do have to ask which one of them is showing this error :slight_smile: I’m asking this because our tutorials were created during the development of our product and we might have uploaded tutorial examples that were created with older development versions of StudioX


Yes, this solved my problem. Thank you so much!

Yesterday, I tried below xamls in my Studio X and had the error.
ReadCSVMailXLSX, OutlookIterateThroughMails, ExcelFilters.

Below is the old dependencies which had error.Hope this helps.


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i have started doing tutorials this week. i tried copying dependemcies in JSON file mentioned by @Yoichi but still not working.
@dragos.suma is there any way to do hands on practice with these old tutorials?