Error On Out Of The Box Dashboard Insights 2021.10

Error fix for "On out of the box dashboard Insights 2021.10" .

Issue Description: After successfully Install Insights 2021.10.x error appear on dashboard


Investigation Steps:

  1. Login to looker using : https://<InsightsURL>:9999/login
  2. Get password from : power shell run as admin ( Unprotect-CmsMessage -Path "$HOME\_insights\LookerSecret" ) + username
  3. Navigate to admin->database and check the the connection
  4. If the connection fails please set instead of host name the IP of the Insights database.
  5. Enter the user password and recheck the connection
  6. Once the test pass please follow the resolution steps.


  1. Go to Insights machine
  2. Go to Add & remove program
  3. Change the Insights Installer
  4. At the database step, modify the host name of the DB with the IP .