I have error in Reframe work
I have to clear it please help me.
Welcome to community @siva_sankar.
This error suggests out_TransactionField1 is null. Please ensure it has value.
check if it is WID or WIID.
Karthik Byggari
I am still getting error.
@siva_sankar, it seems like out_TransactionItem(“WIID”) is null. Please ensure it has value before you use it in Assign activity.
Here you are showing the wrong assign activity.
The error is related to out_TransactionField1 not out_TransactionID.
Please check where you are assigning out_TransactionField1
out_TransactionItemm(“WID”) → where are you setting the value for out_TransactionItem ?
Here, in this assign, you are trying to assign value of out_TransactionItem(“WID”) which means, you are trying to fetch a already stored value and assign to a variable.
Check the activity where you are assigning to out_TransactionItem.
Here I am giving the out_transaction item in nothing if it’s correct or not are I am giving any value and assign of them.
With regards
Thank you the issue is solved
Thank you so much
Thank you it could be solved
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