Error in saving information in excel

I am having a strange error when saving data in excel. I am reading an XML file and extracting information. When I save the dates seem strange as seen in figure and the ones alined to the left do not apear on filter. can anyone help me to solve it?

Liliana Novais


This is because those date’s are being considered as invalid. The column date format is MM-dd-yyyy so these left aligned dates are invalid as per this.

Use Excel Process Scope --> Use Excel File --> Format Cells activities to change the column date format to MM-dd-yyyy

Thanks for your reply. The date is correct, it is in Portuguese format. We use dd-MM-yyyy.

Hi @Liliana_Novais , which method did you use to generate the file - Write Range Workbook or Excel process ?

append range. the stange is that if I manually add to excel on those cells =datevalue(31-12-2024) press enter and the delete the function excell automatically accepts as date…


what’s the datatype of the column where you are storing it for Append range?

The datatype is date


ok. Have you tried this approach?
Use Excel Process Scope --> Use Excel File --> Format Cells activities to change the column date format to MM-dd-yyyy

@Liliana_Novais , would you be able to post a screenshot of the process where you do this “append range”?

@sudster here it is:

@Liliana_Novais , any particular reason to use “Classic Activities”?

One thing you could try - if it is ok to store the date as text:

row("DateCol") = "'" + DateVar.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")

This is an old bot that I am maintaining, that is why it is on “classic activities” I am going to ad that thanks

the error was on excel configurations

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