Error in Machine Learning

I extract shipping in voice details using machine learning, during execution i got this error please give me exact solution.

Thanks in Advance.


Hi @MD_Farhan1,

Please share the error



It looks like your bl_no data got some non numeric value but your bl_no is of type Number resulted this error.

Check what is being extracted from the invoice and if value from invoice going to be alphanumeric, change the bl_no type to string/text

Hi @MD_Farhan1

Do you have a field called “bl-no”?, it could be the problem.

the message says

The field bl-no of type Number cannot be deserialized. Make sure you configured the correct field type in the taxonomy and that it is marked as multi-value if necessary.

Best regards

I Need Solution. how to solve it


Can you show you taxonomy manager please

Or in taxonomy manager find bl-no and checkthe type of it



please toggle multi value and check


Now Wroking fine bro .Thank you

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