Error : If: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string. (Parameter 'startIndex')

Hello everyone,

I am getting this error suddenly from yesterday onwards.
Error : If: startIndex cannot be larger than length of string. (Parameter ‘startIndex’)

How can I resolve this? before resolving I want to know why this error arrived? what’s the reason ?

Screenshot :

Hi @prabin_chand1

Looks like you are trying to perform a substring larger than lenght of your string, please check your value and count the characters there



Are you using any list or anything in the condition or using substring?

It says the start indexyou provided is more than the total values present or the length of the string



Can you try the following condition?

CardNumber.StartsWith("405019") AndAlso CardNumber.Length>=6 AndAlso not CardNumber.Substring(6).Contains("0000")


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What’s the difference between And & AndAlso.?


Andalso is short-circuiting operator. if the first condition is False, the following condition won’t be evaluated. (And operator always evaluates both conditions. It might be caused exception)
Please see the following document in details.


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