Error - expecting element 'root' from namespace ''.. encountered 'none' with name '' namespace ''. uipath

Has anyone faced this error: expecting element ‘root’ from namespace ‘’… encountered ‘none’ with name ‘’ namespace ‘’.? Is in UiPath Studio

Hi @Daniel_Corrales_Murillo ,

What version Studio are you using? When does this error occur? Does this happen on every project?


Hi Raluca, we were checking and it happened because we are using terminal sessions, and a parameter was incorrect for use “” in string connection when we receive a existing connection, the string connection should be in blank , afortunately we could solve the issue quickly, but the problem is the errors don’t specifiy where is the issue in UiPath.


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Would you be able to share a sample projects where this is repro’ing for us to be able to share this feedback and see if we can improve this?

It happens if you have empty string in the Connection String property of a Terminal Session ie ""

Which happens if you click Cancel when the Terminal Session wizard appears.

I’m guessing it happens any time the Connection String is invalid format, although I haven’t tested it.


Thank you for the additional information, I’ve shared this further.

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