Error Dropdown


can someone help me, I’m trying to select a dropdown but I keep getting these errors. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.


unfortunately it only works if you’re registered.

if I select the dropdown without opening I get this error

if I open the dropdown first and then select I get this error

What do I have to do to be able to select the dropdown?

thank you very much for your help

First use a click to expand the drop down before using the select item activity

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I get the same error message and cannot select an item from the dropdown list

Hi @tobias_va

In this video I demonstrate how to extract information from a dropdown menu. Try using the approach I demonstrate in the video.

:white_check_mark: UiPath Tutorial 20 How to Extract Data Dropdown Menu

I don’t have “find children”, do I have to install it separately?

I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, can someone help me? Here is a video of what I’m doing!AsWea5RR1haLjoQEJCQZFg-FL6XOSg

many thanks

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I have this errors

Hi Tobias,

Yes because that is code from a different studio version.

Either way, try configure your select item like in the attached screenshot ;

I can’t select the element, I always get the error.

Without selecting it, I can only make a few settings

Hi @tobias_va Try using For Each UiElement.

*Expand the dropdown and map the elements

*In the For Each, Add an If statement to filter if CurrentElement.Selector.Text.Trim.ToUpper.Contains the category name

*In the Then path, use click and inject ‘CurrentElement’ generated by the for each. This will allow UiPath to work directly with the element without mapping the element on object repo or without adjusting descriptors

Unfortunately I can’t understand exactly what you mean, can you show me a screen of what you mean?

Hi @tobias_va; below an example, review the notes/display names added.

The boolean is jut in order to perform a validation in case there’re not options to choose; if it’s false then you can throw a B.E

Hi @tobias_va

Did you try with visual tree , i think that will be help you


Thank you very much for your help. I was able to solve the problem.

The 24 version is causing problems for me, but the 23 version works without any problems.

But I have another question.

I read a cell from Excel with text and want to enter this text into this field.

How can I create line breaks in text from a cell? In Python or other languages ​​you can use \n, but that doesn’t work here.

It should look like this:

this is a test text,

after the coma I want two Enter

Can you try Environment.NewLine or vbLf?

I tried these 2 things but it doesn’t work

“this is a test text,”+Environment.NewLine+“after the coma I want two Enter”

after the coma,

I want two Enter

what do you mean by vbLf?

I’ve figured it out. I can format the text in Excel with line breaks and it’s adopted.

thank you very much for your help

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