“Error detecting project version” when opening a .xaml file


This is not possible. As stated in the original post
“UiPath Studio Community Edition is always updated to the newest release version, meaning it will not make projects that are backwards compatible.”
and as the newer versions (re: features) come out, Studio has more and more changes between versions. The newer changes actually change the structure of the projects so in 2019.11 vs 2019.4, the changes are too different to effectively change the project.json and preserve all relevant information. I’d also like to note that UiPath does not recommend changing the project.json; this was a work-around for the Academic Alliance professors and students once we released a different version for their use.

This post is only relevant to change projects made in up to Studio version 2019.9 (the community version when we released the Academic Alliance Edition of Studio) and for compatibility with Studio version 2019.4 (the current version of Academic Alliance Edition) which is why this post was made. All professors partnered with the Academic Alliance should have notified their students to download the Academic Alliance edition before 2019.10 was released.

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