I m trying to capture the web page which contains the details of Directors and their Personal Assistants and write into CSV. My Sequence flow starts from 1>Input dialog to get the number of directors information’s is needed. For Ex: if the input is 10 then the details from the web page is 10 rows. under do while val is declared as 0 and val+1 is assigned to execute the no.of times to be executed. 2> open browser and 3> Build Data table (?where the 3 columns are (directors name, designation, personal assistants name ) defined. 4> Add data row task has added and properties are defined with 3 columns under ARRAYROW & DATATABLE has defined variable(System.DataTable). 5> Open browser has the intranet site where to extract the director and PA names. 6> Get Full text has the selection the of where the name and designation has to be extracted. 7> After the do while condition (val <Cint(number) 8> write csv has the file path and data table.
While I ran , it asked how many person and I gave 4 after that I got the error
Error: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: Exception type: SelectorNotFoundException
Please help
This error normally pops up if the robot is unable to locate the selector which was initially selected while developing the bot. Please do the following:
Check if the selector is dynamic if yes make use of ? or * whichever suits your requirement.
Make use of attach browser
If possible could you please share the xaml file for further debugging.
Thanks , lakshman. As I mentioned earlier this is my first hands-on at Uipath. I have mentioned my sequence of activities on my original post. Not sure where to change to data scraping. If you can guide me that will be great. Please help. thanks
@lakshman : Its sensitive cant share.
Just simple page it has left side picture of the person : name PA NAme: rosy
Designation: director Designation: Pa to
picture : person : name picture: Pa name : christy
Designation : assistant director Designation:Pa to assitant director
thanks @armamidwar
i wanted to know how to use those options to select multiple details /columns from the web page. Fro example : name, designaation, phone number etc. please help to see my existing sequence which I have mentioned on my original post and advice. thanks