Error: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: Exception type: SelectorNotFoundException

I m trying to capture the web page which contains the details of Directors and their Personal Assistants and write into CSV. My Sequence flow starts from 1>Input dialog to get the number of directors information’s is needed. For Ex: if the input is 10 then the details from the web page is 10 rows. under do while val is declared as 0 and val+1 is assigned to execute the no.of times to be executed. 2> open browser and 3> Build Data table (?where the 3 columns are (directors name, designation, personal assistants name ) defined. 4> Add data row task has added and properties are defined with 3 columns under ARRAYROW & DATATABLE has defined variable(System.DataTable). 5> Open browser has the intranet site where to extract the director and PA names. 6> Get Full text has the selection the of where the name and designation has to be extracted. 7> After the do while condition (val <Cint(number) 8> write csv has the file path and data table.

While I ran , it asked how many person and I gave 4 after that I got the error

Error: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector: Exception type: SelectorNotFoundException
Please help

Hi Mohana,

This error normally pops up if the robot is unable to locate the selector which was initially selected while developing the bot. Please do the following:

  1. Check if the selector is dynamic if yes make use of ? or * whichever suits your requirement.
  2. Make use of attach browser

If possible could you please share the xaml file for further debugging.

Thanks Illango, Not sure how to make the selection as dynamic. Please help


post your selector here… ppl can take a look and help


Eg. Please find below two selectors. Both selectors are looking similar except aaname part.
<html title='ACME System 1 - Dashboard' />
<webctrl aaname='Accounts' parentid='dashmenu' tag='BUTTON' />

We will use Wild cards (* and ?) or will pass variable names into selectors to make dynamic selectors.

<html title='ACME System 1 - Dashboard' />
<webctrl aaname='Work Items' parentid='dashmenu' tag='BUTTON' />

To make it to dynamic selector in below way.

<html title='ACME System 1 - Dashboard' />
<webctrl aaname='*' parentid='dashmenu' tag='BUTTON' />

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Thanks , I did the same but still getting the error.


At the time BOT running, Is the web page opened or not ?

Go to Target section and try to validate that selector and then highlight it and see.

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Thanks for your reply. this is my first code in uipath :), Yes at the time of running I m seeing the webpage is opened . The error is after that only.


Click on Attach to Live Element and indicate it again.


Is it possible to access that site from my side?

Fantastic, It works. The CSV has been generated successfully. But not any rows has been captured :frowning:

unfortunately its the intranet site where you cant access …


Have you scrapped data properly from web page ?

yes, I used get full text to get the 3 detaills(Name, designation, PAname) from my intranet site.


If it is structured data (Like Table format) , Then use data Scraping. It will be easy way to get all data.

Thanks , lakshman. As I mentioned earlier this is my first hands-on at Uipath. I have mentioned my sequence of activities on my original post. Not sure where to change to data scraping. If you can guide me that will be great. Please help. thanks


Regarding Point No. 5,6
Please take screenshot of the data and show me once. Then I will check whether it is structured data or not.

please see the screenshot to use data scraping for structure data (table data)

@lakshman : Its sensitive cant share.
Just simple page it has left side picture of the person : name PA NAme: rosy
Designation: director Designation: Pa to

picture : person : name picture: Pa name : christy
Designation : assistant director Designation:Pa to assitant director

something like this

thanks @armamidwar
i wanted to know how to use those options to select multiple details /columns from the web page. Fro example : name, designaation, phone number etc. please help to see my existing sequence which I have mentioned on my original post and advice. thanks

Hey , Use Internet explorer it works best there .
-click on Data scraping wizard - click next and highlight Phone number field click next

  • select the field next to phone number
    and you will see a table created from all the data in webpage