Add new row to data row in a datatable but it appear that error.
The ArrayRow sentence is :
new object[5]{collab1.ToString(),decimal.Parse(collab2),decimal.Parse(collab3), decimal.Parse(collab3/collab2), FechaDoc.ToString()}
Add new row to data row in a datatable but it appear that error.
The ArrayRow sentence is :
new object[5]{collab1.ToString(),decimal.Parse(collab2),decimal.Parse(collab3), decimal.Parse(collab3/collab2), FechaDoc.ToString()}
In the Add Data Row activity @amaia.aristegui
{collab1.ToString(),decimal.Parse(collab2),decimal.Parse(collab3), decimal.Parse(collab3/collab2), FechaDoc.ToString()}
Perhaps the expression should be as the following.
new object(){collab1.ToString(),decimal.Parse(collab2.ToString()),decimal.Parse(collab3.ToString()), decimal.Parse((collab3/collab2).ToString()), FechaDoc.ToString()}
Give this in your array of data row
{collab1.ToString(),decimal.Parse(collab2),decimal.Parse(collab3), decimal.Parse(collab3/collab2), FechaDoc.ToString()}
And also I hope the column datatypes are matching with what you are sending
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